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Welcome to the Official Website of Planning Department Govt.of Himachal Pradesh

Planning Department
Government of Himachal Pradesh
In order to provide secretarial services to formulate the five year plans and annual plans and their follow-up programmes on scientific lines, the Planning Commission, Government of India had set up a State Planning Machinery in Himachal Pradesh during 1972-73. Gradually, it emerged as a full fledged department. At present, the State Planning Department has been mandated to formulate Annual Plans, determine the State Plan priorities, fixing of plan size, earmarking of funds for various schemes, etc. The other activities consist of Project Appraisal of Externally Aided Projects, Implementations of scheme under RIDF funded by NABARD, Monitoring of Plan Schemes, Decentralization of Planning process, Evaluation of Schemes, Man Power Planning, Implementation of Backward Area Sub-Plan, Review of 20-Point Programme.
 Organizational Structure
  Organizational Chart