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Welcome to the Official Website of Planning Department Govt.of Himachal Pradesh

Planning Department
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Regional and District Planning Division has been set up in the Planning Department for the implementation and monitoring of various Decentralized Planning Programmes and Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) in the State. Under Decentralized Planning Programmes, Sectoral Decentralized Planning (SDP), Vikas Mein Jan Sahyog (VMJS), Mukhya Mantri Gram Path Yojna (MMGPY) and Vidhayak Keshetra Vikas Nidhi Yojna (VKVNY) are being implemented in ten non-tribal Districts of the State. Funds under these programmes are placed at the disposal of districts as “Untied Funds” to be utilized for redressal of small financial implication. These funds are used for minor works on the recommendations of public representatives and other local level agencies with the approval of District Planning, Development and 20-Point Programme Review Committee.
Sectoral Decentralised Planning  
Vidhayak Keshetra Vikas Nidhi Yojna
Vikas Mein Jan Sahyog 
Mukhya Mantri Gram Path Yojna  

---------------> MPLADS GUIDELINES Link